Friday, August 23, 2019

The words of a high intellectual!

His name is Professor Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago.
He is a scion of a truly hegemonic US.
In his talks he argues for a truly hegemonic US to dominate the entire world and put China in her place as an inferior nation.

In his verbigeration the one thing that clearly comes through is an implicit belief that he wants the US to open the throttle, if necessary, to blast China back to the stone age in an all out nuclear strike . . . just like Israel did in its Seven Day War.

Of course two nukes will not do it. Whatever the number that is needed to functionally obliterate China will be massive; and we believe it may be massive enough to start a nuclear winter.
It will be a winter that the US will also enjoy.

In such an attack there are nuclear Chinese submarines. The will be instructed to launch all their thermonuclear and nuclear missiles.

Out of the possibility of 1000 Chinese nukes, the US anti-missiles might destroy all of them but 10. These 10 will evaporate 1. NYC, 2. Washington, 3. Boston, 4 Miami, 5. New Orleans, 6. LA, 7. SF, 8. Seattle, 9. Phoenix, 10. Philadelphia.

The US will have evaporated 1 billion Chinese.

However, there is still a residual population of 400,000,000.

What will be the residual population out of a US population of 350,000,000?

People like Mearsheimer and his kind talk dangerous hegemonic thuggish brute crap that appeals to Trump, Israel and MBS of Saudi Arabia.

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