Tuesday, August 6, 2019

USA & D. Trump

Since the end of WW II (1945), the US has been, amidst hierarchy of Nations of the Nation of the World, the Number One. And since the end of WW II until today (2019), in its power, military and economically it has been the Number One Hegemon.

When you are the TOP HIERARCHIC HEGEMON, it is intolerable that an outdated ancient civilization such as China can drop the value rate of its currency as a riposte to the recent Trumpian rantings, screamings and yellings of TARIFFS, and suddenly, it takes all wind out of the sails of the USS Clipper, The Donald Trump.

What is emerging are these facts:
1. the yellow bastards do not really want to have anymore trade talks with the top hierarchic hegemon
2. the yellow bastards are willing to endure whatever the results and consequences of NO TRADE with the US until the 2nd Coming of Jesus.

If this is so then the question is this:
Can the US economy endure being
shut out the trading with the world's
2nd largest economy and all the 
goodies that can well from it, if the US 
joined the Chink's Belt and Road 

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