Monday, July 15, 2019

US/China rivalry

Linguistics as a science is very exact and precise - to the speaker of the sentence.

However, the problem is whether what is spoken is accurate-to-fact to the situation in question.

The question is: Is it accurate to say that the contest between the US and China is actually a rivalry?

If it is a rivalry then it can be a friendly one or one with animosity.

You see, from our point of view we are sure that from our point of view the contest for the US is one of: 

From China's view point, starting 30 years ago it was a slow crawl with respect to rivalry. Hegemony could never been in her mind then.

However because she is where she is now and because of the doings of the US, the US has converted what might have been a friendly rivalry to one of hegemony.

And one day the hegemonic contest will morph into its fiercest transmogrification when it becomes an outright power struggle.

When we reach that point the question becomes:
Which country is going to produce the TOP ARSE HOLE that will start a nuke war between the US and China and gift to the world its first NUCLEAR WINTER.

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