Monday, July 22, 2019

US ideological hegemony

The shadow of US ideological hegemony is UNO NUMERO over the entire world.

That this China vs US trade talks have been protracted over a year can only mean:
her ideological hegemony over China.

You have to ask the question:
What on earth is she buggering around for.

Every nation in the world knows that she has the largest cod-dangle. What on earth is stopping the using her cod-dangle from really buggering China.

Surely it is NOT because of this idiot cultural fiction:

Everyone in the upper echelons of the White House Administration and in the Pentagon, its Generals, Admirals and top civilian gurus know that all US needs to do is tip her cod-dangle with a thermo-nuclear warhead and shove it up the Chink arse and China will be on her knees and agree to all US 'terms of endearment'.

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