Sunday, July 14, 2019


Very few people realize that there is a huge difference in the ethos and ideology of the West and China.
The West goes by hegemonic thinking and who will be the top who will rule all.
The Chinese go by its evidence that it is the No.1 civilized people and they really do not want any other people who are no where as civilized as they to be a part of their polity. To invade other people and rule over them is to be contaminated by them. Therefore, it was never in China's thinking to invade and rule Australia or New Zealand.
So the great Ming Fleets visited other nations to let them know where they are not and can never be.
This left the British to contaminate their homogeneity, from a Chinese point of view, in the most atrocious of ways by their overseas doings and in time to come to be contaminated to the worst possible degree in their national domicile.
The American tried to keep their civilization, religious and racial purity by exterminating the native Indians of America. However, their idiot needs for negro slaves extended their contamination.
The Australian are doing their best to keep out racial contaminators; and to sequester their indigents to away away as possible. Their cherished hopes for some white man disease to wipe them out apparently has been forbidden by God, Herself. 
The Indians of India accepted the over lordship of their British masters. But they were confidant that the sheer power of their numbers they would in the end uncontaminated and be regnant in their nation.
The US fears of China is their own idiot creation as there is no existential basis to fear China. 
If the fear really was for real, then at that time, the US is finished. China could put a naval cordon around US shores and that would be it.
She could start a thermonuclear war. So what? China can do the same. With her thermonuclear bombs China can exterminate 250,000,000 US citizens. There will not be one of her big cities left standing. The US can do the same. She can exterminate 250,000,000 Chinese people. BUT China will have still a population of 1,15 billion.

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