Sunday, July 14, 2019

Has the West lost it.

For the last 200 years the West has been the dominant regnant power over the world from India, China right down to the Congo pygmies and the bushmen of the Kalahari.

However, in the last 30 years East and South Asia have bent their knees to Western ways. And now translating them into Mandarin and Hindi, the have been able to improve what the West has taught them. The result is that in PPP terms these are the top economies:
 1. China
2. USA
3. India
  4. Japan. 

This has left the West bewildered and desperate to regain their regnant power over, above everything else:
It is a condition worse than syphilis.

Therefore, the top Pentagon Generals and Admirals and the top civilian gurus and the top men in Trump's White House Admin are wondering how to use their thermo-nuclear weapons against the yellow-peril-syphilis.

Until the can come with a working thermo-nuclear vaccine against yellow-peril-syphilis, every one in the Pentagon and in Trump's administration is not have their usual well-formed solid feces. Everyone of them is shitting diarrhea.

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