Thursday, June 6, 2019

View and listen to the knowledgeable and the wise!

In the last trade talks between US and China, the Chinese delegation alleges that the US delegation became aggressive and threatening towards China with certain demands of China that the delegation felt the US was infringing on its sovereignty.

The result is that the Chinese delegation got up and walked out. This meany: 

And now we have this American view point:

Instead of feeling happy that with no more trade talks and by extension:
this is the most wonderful thing for Trump. The US now ends ever getting into an increasing trade deficit with China. It ends forever any whisper or murmur about Huawei's G5 input into US tech matters.

And the lady's assertion that the President of China is desperately keen for a quick trade deal treaty with the US is very debatable.

The proof will be in existential experience. 

If after 3 years, China has not even asked for renewed trade talks with the US, then it is obvious that the President of China is in no hurry to get a trade deal with the US.

Of course by this time, if ever there is a successful trade deal between US and China, the $ billion soya bean sale from US to China will have been irretrievable lost.

And in 2018 China sold to the US 80% of its rare earth needs. That trade arrangement will also have been irretrievable irrecoverable. 

If anyone from the US NS/CIA/FBI have hacked into my blog, I beg you to report what you have read here to your senior authority to advise him/her to pass it on to the White House.
If what is implied here is wrong then Trump and the US have no problems and the Trump and the US can leave China to rot until it comes crawling and begging for forgiveness and mercy from Trump and the US.

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