Monday, November 4, 2019

A Roman Legacy

Very few people grasp the incredible insecurity and fear of the US before the unfolding monetary, economic and military power of China.
In the old days, such was the equivalent incredible insecurity and fear by Rome of the Carthaginian empire. Rome's incredible insecurity and fear of Carthage tool Punic Wars. At the end of the second Punic War, Scipio crushed the city of Carthage, burnt it to the ground and salted the land of entire city. All survivors were enslaved.
Thereafter, Rome conquered all nations that abutted against its immediate boundaries (and beyond); and enslaved all of them.
Today, one of the highest of high elites of the United States is Professor John Mearsheimer. He is the current R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor at the University of Chicago. 
In an interview with an TV anchor lady of CGTN, he bluntly admitted his incredible insecurity and fear for the survival of the US in the face of China.
In our view there are only two possible solutions to this incredible problem.
The first is for the US to war and conquer China and enslave all its survivors in the way that ancient Rome dealt with Carthage.
The second, which happens to me to be the logical thing to do is prescribe to Johnny, Valium 15 mg three times a day and one last does at bed time. In Medicine this it abbreviated to Valium 15 mg tid et hs. For the average does is Valium 5 mg bid et hs
We recommend this for Johnny because incredible insecurity and fear in psychiatry is a Mental Disorder. This is the usual treatment. As an MD, this would be my choice of treatment of Johnny's disorder.

What few people realize is that in a mutual exchange of just 10 thermonuclear bombs form each side to the other is enough the set the stage for a nuclear winter for the entire earth and the extinction of all mankind.

Johnny as you can see is quite insane. 

Therefore, additionally he is best to be incarcerated in psychiatric unit for an indefinite period of time with intensive counselling, hypnosis and psychotherapy.

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