Wednesday, August 28, 2019

In the end, it will all be resolved.

Nothing is forever.
This current turmoil is the man-made doings of a New York Queens' Street thug. 
It was only when he was 15 did his father send him to a high class school, called the New York Military Academy. Until then he went to a local school in Queens and at the end of each school day or half day and week-ends he return home.
He led the gang in his neigbourhood where he developed his Art of His Deal.
What is his Art of His Deal?
Structurally, it is to come into any negotiation with abusive simulated power and force. This will shock, stun and subdue mentally and psychologically everyone. They would all be psychological crushed.
Then he would and be generous,  sweet and goody-goody to his opponents. To be in his good books, the way to avoid a repeat of his 'Shock and Awe; to GIVE IN to the thug.
Of course you know I am speaking about Donald Trump. 
Follow CNN is the the proof that amongst other shortcoming is his:
Of course, he cannot be forever. He like George W. Bush and Barack Obama will have his moment in the twilight that will end his shenanigans.

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