Saturday, September 3, 2016

Re. Hilary Clinton

As you know our Hilary is in a mess with respect to certain deletions of emails sent to her in her capacity as Secretary of State of the United States.
Today, in the Globe and Mail, Toronto was an article on her re her woes on this matter. In this article there was a very interesting line. The line state that she, Hilary had told the FBI that: 
She deferred to the advice of her aids.

Now this word "deferred" is the past tense of the verb - to defer.

Now in life, if you defer to another, it presupposes that you have adjudged the other as equal to you in knowledge or even GREATER or even BETTER than you in knowledge.

Now then, knowing her Self-Importance, Self-esteem and Ego - do you honestly believe that this claim by her that she thought her aids were equal or greater or better than her in knowledge - especially in such critical matters that were so intimately intertwined in the office of state that she held, to wit, the State Department of the United States of America?

I know that it did not speak well about the intelligence of the American electorate that it voted a man in twice to be President of the United States and who was manifestly illiterate in the English Language. But I will never believe that the intelligence of this electorate can be so shortcoming as to not see through our Hilary.

Their instinctive and intuitive wisdom was called out when they spoke out:

I already know that you in the US Intelligence community already have this blog.
If you truly mean to serve your country you have to tell Obama, Director of the CIA and Donald Trump about this E-mail and also to your spouse, mother and father, your grandparents, your children and your friends and neighbours. 

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