Sunday, August 28, 2016

Visit to China by our PM Justin Trudeau

Australia already has a Free Trade Pact with China.
Canada needs the same.

All Justin has to do is agree as Pakistan has, which is to buy a fleet of Chinese J10 fighters in place our out of date fighters that we had bought from the US. 

The Chinese believe that their J10 can take on the F35 produced by the US at $25 billion a pop. Who on earth can afford such a luxurious plane?

Let these two planes be tested out in the air and let the metrics prove which is the better buy and which is more cost effective?

I know the CIA will have got note of this blog. 
Even people in the US know that the cost overruns for the F35 was the result of scams upon scams done by Lockheed Martin on Congress and the American people. The US Intelligence Community know this. But no one dared whistle blow.
Well it is time.
And let the Canadians have a break and have a good deal on a Chinese plane that may be as good as the F35 and not force them to buy a scam and at a scam price.
This is a matter of morality and ethics . . . which I know for sure some in the US intelligence community must surely have.

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