Wednesday, May 29, 2019

How true, but there is more!

This is from a paper by a renowned American economist:

However, he is only giving half the picture.

What is not well known is that US companies in China like Apple, McDonald, KFC and others do business with their 1.4 billion Chinese customers in China. From this, their profit equals the US trade deficit that THE DONALD is complaining about. Some estimates say that the profit of these US companies in China is greater that the US trade deficit. 

Yet in the face of this fact, THE DONALD, is whining, moaning, groaning of the US trade deficit with China.

Up to now, China has not even taxed these US companies that trade in China and of China's theft of US intellectual property and other crooked things that the US in fact has been exposed doing to other nations.

When you think of what THE GREAT DONALD is doing, it is increasing clear that he for all his MBA from Wharton's School of Business, he is ye olde Brooklyn thug in his hegemonic ambition to be king of the block in downtown NYC. 

And the amazing thing is that the same electorate that voted twice for that English illiterate, George W, is the same lot that is aping after him!

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