Tuesday, July 17, 2018

From to 2018

This is a span of nearly 3/4 of a century in which for all practical purposes the US and Russia has been a state of continuous virtual warfare with each other.

Now finally one man is trying to reach out to the other in the hope of peace and friendship.

But people are so rutted and grooved in their stance of virtual war versus the other, that this attempt is screamed at as treason.

When has it been TREASON to make peace not war.

In this the Industrial Military Complex, IMC, will be very opposed to.

If the effort of these two men succeed, the raison d'etre of the IMC will have vanished,

And the untold trillions that is yet to be poured into their coffers can be used to uplift 65% of the American nation out of poverty forever - just as what China has done for her people.

Which is better:
Virtual war between US and Russia
Peace between US and Russia.

Generations of American taxpayers have been footing and footing and footing and footing and footing the bill of this VIRTUAL WAR between these two nations.

Guess, what do you think is the likely probability that they are fed up to the neck with it.

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