Monday, March 12, 2018

Trump and his raised tariffs on steel and aluminium

Trumps rationalization and justification for raising the tariffs on iron and aluminium was what he had to say about the naughty Chinese steel industry. 

It was a very severe and harsh chastisement of the Chinks.

It was that, in one month China produced the amount of steel that the US steel industry took one year to do.

Clearly the techno-mechanics of US steel production is devastatingly out of date. 

If he really wants to save US Steel workers jobs, the US has to swallow the pill that it will hate to swallow and it is to buy the latest 2018 techno-mechanic steel production plant from the Chinks.

Then it can produce steel in 3 weeks that the Chinks will take to produce in 4 weeks.

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