Tuesday, July 25, 2017

We need to be clear in our sight and logic.

There is a wild fear that China is the country that the US needs to take on.

If you really review the stats that are available, the real, true next hegemon, if she is not already the TOP HEGEMON is:

What the US has to be concerned about is that within the European Union the top hegemon is Germany - the mother of WWI, WW II and WW . . . !!!

Germany was devastated and humiliated by the Br. Empire and the US with help from the USSR.

And the USSR was swept by Gorbachev with glasnost and perestroika to adopt Western Liberal Democracy to the wild congratulatory cheers of the US.

But the shift from Centralized Communism to Western Liberal Democracy brought economic ruin, devastation and humiliation upon the USSR. 

For their respective humiliations, do you honestly think that the Germans and the Russians have forgiven the Anglo-Saxons? 

If the European Union and the USSR form an alliance, who will they really want to take on:
India & Nepal or China & Bhutan?

And the US is worried about the Chinese shenanigans in the South China Sea?!




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