Thursday, February 23, 2017

Here comes the Rus

It is an example of fraud by the US Industrial Military Complex for taking US $1.5 trillion to produce a lemon - the F-35.

You can see the inevitability of the General Accounting Office to track how this money was spent, but Congress kept OK-ing the cost over runs.

Now the Rus hava produced this:

Question 1:
How does the US Industrial Military Complex account for its fraud 
with the result 
that US may not be ahead of the Russians 
with their pals the Chinks.

Question 2:
Where on earth 
were these famed Congressional Oversight Committees?

Question 3:
Where was Barack Obama?

Question 4:
Is the American taxpayer getting value for money
paying Barack + Congress + benefits?

Speaking as a Canadian citizen, I would get rid of Don Lemon. He ain't doing his job either.

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