Friday, November 11, 2016

Donald Trump 1

Very early on, in his campaign, Trump was honest to lay his cards down when he admitted:
I was over there.

What he meant was: "I was like the rest of them, over there, bribing and paying off politicians. I was just like the rest of them." The rest of them was Big Oil, Big Banks, Big Agriculture, Big Health Insurance, Big Ethanol, Big Arms Corporations, et etc BIGs.

It is for this that the entire Washington system broken and is a cesspool of corruption.

The business of the government of America was the business of the American rich, good and the powerful through their agents, called lobbyists. It was never about the business of the American people and of the Republic.

For this he realized that there had to be a change and this was the change that he wanted.

Hilary was preaching more politics and he was talking about "draining the swamp." Based on this difference, I knew that Hilary was finished because in the end there is such a thing as the greater wisdom of the people that in the end will prevail, provided that is a leader who will articulate THE TRUTH.

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