Sunday, October 16, 2016

US war in Yemen a la OBAMA

What few US citizens realize is that:
is that the US is involved in a war in the Yemen.

Yemen is so poor that it is impossible to believe that is rebellion has continued on as long as it has. Haiti, compared to Yemen would be considered rich!

Has the UN sanctioned this war of the US in Yemen?
Has the US Congress sanctioned this war of the US in the Yemen?

We thought Cheney, Rumsfeld, Pearl, Condole and Bush were war mongers with the help of Blair.

Now, Obama is doing it all ON HIS OWN.

Anyone in the US IC has hacked into my blog, if you can see the merit of my concern re what is going on, you best send the message up to your superiors that they may bring their influence to bear on the error of the ways of Obama and his idiot administration.
Obama needs to be warned that when history is finally written about his years in office, he will definitely come out of it with a D.

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