Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Sue the Saudis for 9/11

As the litigants who were victims of 9/11 now have the OK from Congress to do pursue the Saudis for their 9/00 doing, the whole can of worms will have to be open in which to prove their innocence. They will produce all the alleged flyers of those airplanes who flew into the twin towers plus Building Seven, the Pentagon and the crash in the field in Pennsylvania.

They will then pull out all the evidence of the demolition charges that led to the free fall of Towers I and II and Building Seven.

And they will haul into Court - Dick Cheney, Ronald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Pearl, Rudolph Giuliani, George W. Bush and Condoling Rice as character witnesses on behalf of all the Saudi Arabs who were allegedly responsible of for the 9/11.

Then the litigants can then turn their guns on Dick Cheney, Ronald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Pearl, Rudolph Giuliani, George W. Bush and Condoling Rice for allowing the Mossad agents to put in the Nano thermite explosives.

President Obama was very wise to veto the planned litigation. But Congress is much wiser because it wants to get to the truth of all the lies and cover up of 9/11. 

Any one in the US IC who has hacked into this blog, you better refer this info to Obama and get him to re-veto this lawsuit. And get Hilary to forewarn the US that when she is elected President she will veto this lawsuit too.

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