Thursday, September 15, 2016

Here is another turn of the US screw using FEAR to generate possible BLAMEH

Here is where if you give into the FEAR you will be estranged from reality and the facts of reality. 
It concerns this matter of the proposed Chinese Maritime Silk Road:

The top hegemon of the world, the US, is supposed to be the top capitalistic nation. And CAPITALISM  is all about competition.
If this Chinese Maritime Silk Highway of the seas is open, NSP suggests that every maritime nation jump on board and COMPETE. 

So, where is all this fear and bull shit coming from and for what purpose but to increase the sale of Valium to calm your fears.

If anyone in the US IC has hacked into this, for God sake, pass this message up to your masters and tell them to wake up and rejoice because COMMUNIST CHINA is asking you to see if you can WHACK it with old style CAPITALISTIC COMPETITIVE METHODS?

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