Sunday, January 5, 2014

This is indecent.

No Wahabist prince of the Royal House of Saudi Arabia,  would tolerate this:

They would set the Mutaween upon them to whack them into line.

It is self-evident that it is indecent.

And did you know, the Great Helmsman of China, Mao Ze-dong and his fine Puritanistic wife Qiang Qing would have sided with the the Wahabist House of Saud - absolutely and completely.

So what can you learn from such an alliance of like mindedness between Arab Royals and 2 top Communists?

1 comment:

Piroska said...

Yes it is indecent, disrespectful and selfish!!

I truly hope that the social and justice system dealt with it properly. As those who cannot speak for themselves or were able to make decisions, - need protection, when even their parents did not protect and treated them as property.